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Promoting your membership and thanking donors
Use and modify these samples at your organization.

Promote your membership in the Safe Shelter Collaborative
Use this content in a press release, a newsletter, on your web site, or another form of communications.
Promote the SafeNight app
Use this content to share how your supporters can use the SafeNight app to make tax-deductible donations that pay for emergency shelter.
Invite other agencies to join the Safe Shelter Collaborative
Do you contact shelters in your area that aren't yet a member of your collaborative? Use this content to invite them to join you, to make finding shelter easier for both of your agencies.
Thank your SafeNight donors
Use this content to thank supporters who donated using the SafeNight app.
Safe Shelter Collaborative Information sheet
Email or print this one-page info sheet to spread the word about the Safe Shelter Collaborative.
Sample tweets you can use
When shelters are full, where do survivors of #domesticviolence & #humantrafficking go? Please donate hotel rooms w/our @safenightapp.
We sent out a @safenightapp request for help today & it was answered. These type of requests save lives. Thank you to our generous community
We support safe shelter for survivors of #domesticviolence & #humantrafficking. You can help download @safenightapp & give when needs arise
We support safe shelter for survivors of #domesticviolence and #humantrafficking. You can help w/ @safenightapp #DVAM2017 #SupportSurvivors
Sometimes the shelter is full. For #givingtuesday, please consider donating local emergency shelter hotel rooms using @safenightapp.
This holiday season, you can support safe shelter for survivors of #domesticviolence and #humantrafficking with our @safenightapp
If you have questions, remember:
We're happy to chat! Please don’t hesitate to contact us at
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